Joining the union is a fairly involved process. Working with the union through the hiring hall not so much. You don’t have to be a member of the union to work with us.
Local 417’s jurisdiction covers most of the eastern half of North Carolina and live event production services that are not movie and television. Local 417 has three lists: A, B, & C. The A list is composed of full-time stagehands who have mostly unlimited availability. The B list is part-time stagehands who have a part-time job outside of the industry and are usually available. The C list comprises part-time stagehands with full-time jobs outside the trade and limited availability.
To get on the referral list all you need to do is contact the Business Agent, on the dispatch line (919.697.8116) via text with your name and email address. Once you’re entered in CallSteward, our dispatch software, and your departments and skills are entered you’ll start getting calls offered to you based on your seniority and skill depth.
Getting a union card involves, briefly, being nominated by a current member in good standing at a monthly meeting. Then you’ll be voted on by the membership to extend an invitation to join. Then you’ll fill out an application and submit it with the application fee, initiation, and first quarter’s dues. The examination board will give you a proficiency test to determine your competence. After you have passed your test, your packet is sent to the International in New York to make sure you’re eligible for a card and don’t owe any outstanding dues to other locals. Then everything comes back and the membership votes one final time to extend an offer of membership. As you can probably tell it’s a process that usually takes 4-6 months.
While I, of course, think everybody should be a member of the union I want to make clear again that membership isn’t necessary for getting referrals by the hall. I’m looking forward to meeting you and working with you in the future.