Category: Local 417 News

  • March 2023 Political Newsletter

    Brothers, Sisters, Allies, and Kin,  Welcome to the first edition of the 417 political newsletter. We will attempt in these quarterly updates to share important political news that impacts our membership, opportunities for participation, and other items of note.  What the Heck is a “political coordinator?” President Loeb has made it a priority for all…

  • Joining vs Working with 417

    Joining the union is a fairly involved process. Working with the union through the hiring hall not so much. You don’t have to be a member of the union to work with us. Local 417’s jurisdiction covers most of the eastern half of North Carolina and live event production services that are not movie and…

  • Brothers, sisters, and kin!

    IATSE Local 417 has a blog. We’re hoping to add a number of new and different ways to communicate with members, potential members, clients, potential clients, and anybody else that’s interested in what we do. This is one of those ways.